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    An Integrated Active Measurement Programming Environment


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    Active Internet measurement is not a zero-risk activity, and access to Internet measurement vantage points typically requires navigating trust relationships among actors involved in deploying, operating, and using the infrastructure. Operators of vantage points (VPs) must balance VP capability against who gets access: the more capable a vantage point, the riskier it is to allow access. We propose an integrated active measurement programming environment that: (1) allows a platform operator to specify the measurements that a user can run, which allows the platform operator to communicate to the VP's host what their vantage point will do, and (2) provides users with reference implementations of measurement functions that act as building blocks to more complex measurements. We first review active measurement infrastructures and how technical and usability goals have evolved over the years. We prototype and deploy an integrated active measurement programming environment on an existing measurement infrastructure, and illustrate its potential with several case studies.

    To be appear at PAM 2025.

    Date Published



    Matthew Luckie1

    Shivani Hariprasad1

    Raffaele Sommese2

    Brendon Jones1

    Ken Keys1

    Ricky K. P. Mok1

    kc claffy1


    Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM)

    Organization Affiliated With

    1 CAIDA, San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California San Diego

    2 University of Twente